What is Net Metering Solar? Everything You Need to Know

Net metering is a system for solar panel owners to save and export their surplus energy back to the grid. An electricity meter is used to measure the electrons moving in both directions. This system provides an opportunity to Solar energy companies to generate revenue by selling extra power to the grid while having a perfect backup system to make up for shortfalls.  If energy generation is more than the energy consumption, the owner gets compensation for the extra amount. 


Different states have incentivised the net metering system to encourage the adoption of the solar energy system. This is a great way to generate revenue while producing your energy.

How does it work? 

If you install a net-metered solar panel system, you can save electricity in your grid.  When you produce more electricity than you consume, the excess is sent back to the grid for storage., reversing your electric meter. And when you consume more electricity than you are producing say on cloudy or rainy days, you pull back electricity from the grid for your use, running your electric meter forwards. For the final bill towards the end of the month or year, you are calculated based on the amount of electricity you put on the grid and how much you utilised from it.

You can easily power and save electricity with a correctly sized solar system. The amount of electricity production will vary throughout the year. There will be more production on sunny and summer days and less on cloudy or rainy days. In any circumstances, if there is any shortage of electricity you can pull back power from the grid and use it.

Benefits of net metering-

Cost-efficient- Net metering is a wise way of saving electricity and earning revenues from it. It not only saves cost and helps in revenue generation but gives you a clean source of energy that you can utilise anytime.

Eco-friendly- Net metering is an eco-friendly way of energy consumption. You are producing your energy which can be renewed and stored for further use without having any negative impacts on the environment.

Saves you from the cost of an expensive battery storage system- Buying a battery system for storage can be expensive. Net-metering will not only provide you with a safe energy storage space but also with an income opportunity.

Reduction of energy waste- Net metering Solar can help in the reduction of energy waste. It is a responsible way of storing and utilising energy for both residential and commercial purposes.

Self-sufficient– Solar energy is an eco-friendly, cost-effective way of self-sufficiency. You don’t have to depend on other energy sources for power. You produce your energy and store them. Isn’t it a great way to live a sustainable life?

Final Words

The solar power system is encouraged in India for a clean environment. It has multiple benefits for the environment and is an efficient solution for your energy consumption needs. Let’s choose green, let’s choose sustainability with solar power system.

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